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Forest Scene

Moosh and The  Antlered Doe

From Concept to Final Animation, here you can see firsthand my vision and creative progress. Despite an incredible loss of work due to a hard drive failure, I am still incredibly passionate about keeping the story and character of Moosh alive. I am currently working to complete it in its entirety :)

Concept Art and Development

Story and Design

Moosh, as with most of my characters, was created for the purpose of teaching an important lesson, not to children but to adults. Through the actions of the Antlered Doe, viewers can understand the stresses adults often put on innocently unaware children and the importance of mercy and forgiveness. Themes of respecting and honoring nature are also highlighted in the story.

The story takes place in a quiet, snowy forest where the mushroom folk take shelter in a maple tree. I wanted the look of my film to be inspired by antique winter scene depictions that are often found on metal cookie tins.


(I do not own any of these images.
They were used simply for inspiration)

IMG_20211028_184327961_2 (1) (1)_edited.


All backgrounds are stills or recordings of live settings with animation interacting on top.

The first scene will showcase where Moosh
and his large family lives! The concept was the mushrooms would live in an old maple tree, with pixie-sized furniture and windows. Here the people will celebrate
the annual ceremony of the Ancient Trelk and what it means to give back :)


Character Design

Screenshot 2022-07-02 162114.png
Moosh Character Sheet.jpg
Screenshot 2022-07-02 162258.png




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